HomeHot Melt Densifiers

Hot Melt Styrofoam Densifiers

These are hand-fed machines that process foam onsite through a process of shredding while adding heat to densify and extrude densified purge blocks which become the final recyclable product.

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Leading Supplier of Hot Melt Densifying Equipment

Dedicated to environmental stewardship, we excel in crafting state-of-the-art densifiers that effectively convert diverse waste materials into valuable assets. Prioritizing both environmental conservation and operational excellence, Better Densifiers delivers a comprehensive selection of tailored products to meet the unique requirements of industries across the globe.

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Our Hot Melt Densifiers

Turn Your Foam Waste Into A Potential Resource

Densifying and recycling styrofoam offers an optimal solution for managing scrap foam within our customers’ waste streams. Our machines transform foam onsite, compacting it into either purge or block forms, creating a valuable recycling product ready for market. Our hot melt styrofoam densifiers come in various sizes, from basic 2 HP models to comprehensive systems featuring shredders, blowers, and extruders, catering to diverse operational needs.

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With Better Densifiers, businesses can embrace eco-friendly practices with confidence, simultaneously achieving cost savings and playing a role in fostering a healthier planet. Join us on the path towards a more sustainable future.

Call Now: 1-888-350-2079

Our Mission

At the core of our mission lies the aspiration to transform waste management within manufacturing facilities through innovative densification solutions. These solutions not only yield cost savings for businesses but also wield a profound impact on environmental conservation. Committed to pioneering cutting-edge technology, we strive to convert diverse waste materials into invaluable resources, thereby fostering a more sustainable and circular economy.

Upholding principles of customer satisfaction, continuous innovation, and environmental stewardship, we aim to equip businesses globally with the tools necessary to enhance their recycling processes and foster positive change for our planet.

Made in America

Our dedication to quality and reliability shines through in our decision to manufacture all our machines in the USA. By choosing to manufacture locally, we not only prioritize quality control but also uphold our commitment to supporting the American economy and workforce. This choice allows us to closely oversee every step of the manufacturing process, from sourcing premium materials to implementing rigorous quality assurance measures.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a hot melt densifier, and how does it work?

    A hot melt densifier is a machine designed to compress and melt down materials such as Styrofoam (EPS), reducing their volume at a ratio of 90:1 and converting them into denser, manageable blocks. It operates by heating the material to a melting point, then compresses it to form solid blocks for easier storage and transportation.

  • What types of materials can be processed by your hot melt densifiers?

    Our hot melt densifiers are versatile machines capable of processing various materials, including expanded polystyrene (EPS), polyethylene (PE), and polypropylene (PP) foam.

  • How energy-efficient are your hot melt densifiers?

    Our hot melt densifiers are designed with energy efficiency in mind, utilizing advanced heating and compression technologies to minimize energy consumption. Many models feature insulation and temperature control systems to optimize energy usage during the melting and compression processes.

  • Are your hot melt densifiers easy to operate and maintain?

    Yes, our hot melt densifiers are user-friendly machines that are easy to operate with minimal training. Routine maintenance tasks such as cleaning and lubrication are straightforward and can be performed by onsite staff.

  • Are hot melt densifiers safe to use?

    Yes, our hot melt densifiers are engineered with safety features to ensure operator protection and compliance with industry standards. These may include safety guards, emergency stop buttons, and temperature monitoring systems to prevent overheating and accidents during operation.